About us
Contact the FDA
We would love to hear from you
The FDA can only exist with the support and interaction of our members. Please visit our get help now page if you require urgent support.
Phone us
Call 020 7401 5555 if you have a membership query or are seeking general information about the FDA.
Email us
You can email us directly at info@fda.org.uk or, if you’re a member, you can contact your local FDA representative for support by logging in to the members’ portal.
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Media contacts
Phone us
If you are a journalist and wish to speak to the FDA communications team, please call:
Head of Communications Kay Hender on 07980 700747
Communications Officer Tommy Newell on 07738 729145
Communications Officer Tom Nathan on 07858 961596
Communications Assistant Katherine Hutchinson on 07783 937322
If you can’t reach us by calling and your query is urgent (or outside of regular office hours) please leave a voicemail or send a text. This is the quickest way to get a response
Email us
Any emails from the press should be directed to press@fda.org.uk – this is best for less urgent queries.
Any queries relating to advertising should be directed to ads@fda.org.uk.
Where to find us
FDA head office, 93-95 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NL